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About Us

About Aligned Soul

• Find what’s right for you
• Know what lights you up
• Be resilient
• Love and value yourself
• Give from an overflowing cup
• Understand what the challenges are telling you
• Tell the best story about you and your life for you to grow into

As an entrepreneur/business owner, you really have to be courageous to put yourself out there and what you believe in. It’s that courage and that spirit that Aligned Soul want to support. We have more autonomy to make the changes that we need in our businesses to be more successful and in alignment with what we need.

What we offer gives you the tools and understanding of your energy so that you can continually move into more alignment. This will help you have confidence in yourself to build a life and business that’s right for YOU.

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It's all about alignment and the unfoldment of YOU. That unique Soul that you came down to BE.

Mags O'Brien

What's in it for you?

Our purpose is to be a guide to inspire and empower you to consciously live the life you truly love by helping you to:   

See why you are burned out, exhausted, feeling lost and purposeless;  

Understand who you are at Soul Level (how you are designed), see your potential and what works for you;  

Make the changes needed to be in alignment to attain what is success and happiness for you; 

Overcome self-sabotage when that ego part of us, that what's to keep us safe, kicks off;  

To build a solid foundation of practical steps to keep creating and growing. 

And then to see what's possible - how great can we feel!

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About Mags

My journey began when at the age of 29 I had a massive ‘burnout’. I didn’t know that it was burnout back then.

I heard my Soul say, ‘I can’t do this anymore’. I didn’t know what to do.

I didn't know what was happening to me. My Uncle guided me to find things to help like Meditation and Natural Therapies.

That took me on a path of ‘Healer, heal thyself’. I learned lots of therapies including CranioSacral Therapy that got me into the ‘issue in the tissue’, emotional release, past lives, and the ability to hold space for someone to do what they needed rather than trying to ‘fix’.

I was led into being a Louise Hay Licensed Teacher and then the Law of Attraction.

Serendipity guided me to attain a qualification in Holistic Coaching. I did it to help me get out of my own way of my dreams and I share that with others too.

My life had changed so much for the better. I wanted to be in alignment to see what my best self could be. I discovered Soul Realignment and dived head-first into that, again with great results.

However, in all these years, I still struggled with my energy. I feared crashing again (as I called it) and would get frustrated when I didn’t seem to have the energy I wanted to build my business. It didn’t feel fair somehow!

I found the answer in Quantum Human Design - I’m a 1/4 Orchestrator (Projector) and then I understood that I’m here to teach and guide and not work long hours. I learned how to use my energy correctly and it’s taken quite some time to turn the ship around but it’s so much better than it’s ever been.

I feel so strong inside and resilient. I know I can deal with whatever comes. I have so much more fun and lightness in my life. I love the magic.

It’s my passion to help you find your magic - without having to go through 30 years of trial and error!!

Qualifications & Accreditations

A Human Being - walking my talk, with a ton of practical experience!

Certified Quantum Human Design Specialist - Level 4

Certified Quantum Human Design Advanced StoryLab™ Facilitator

Certified Quantum Human Design Transformational Coach

Certified Quantum Human Design Family Coach

Certified Advanced Relationship and Family Analysis

Quantum Alignment System™ Practitioner. - Level 3

QAS Advanced Relationship Activation

Certified Holistic Coach - Getting Out of Your Own Way

Advanced Soul Realignment Practitioner

Licensed Louise Hay ‘Heal Your Life’ Teacher

Check out my Quantum Human Design Qualifications - click here

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