Aligned Soul Business -
StoryLab™ Workshop

Aligned Soul Business - StoryLab™ Workshop

Group Coaching Workshops on Zoom

Learn how to use your Quantum Human Design Chart to

  • Understand your UNIQUE Energy Blueprint and how you are designed to live/work
  • To see where you are doing what you’ve been ‘trained to do’ in business but it doesn’t suit your energy - and so drains you
  • Know how to make the right decisions for you and your business
  • To STOP doing the things that are not in alignment for you
  • To have a Transformation - not just information
  • Tell a different and more empowering story of who you are and what you’ve come to do in the World

This is a one-day Group Workshop on Zoom

10 am til 5 pm GMT

Aligned Soul Business -StoryLab™ Workshop

Online Group Coaching Workshop

Book Now

What we cover:

The Science of how our minds work and why the stories we tell about ourselves really matter.

In StoryLab™, we look at the stories we tell ourselves as to why aspects of our life or business are not working for us. This keeps us stuck, frustrated, and exhausted.

In this one-day group workshop, we use your Quantum Human Design Chart to help you understand why you are stuck and, more importantly, how you can move forward.

The intention of this powerful workshop is for you to transform your story into one that is in alignment with you, your design, and your purpose. It will call you forward to make positive changes in your life and business. 

You’ll explore your Type, Strategy, Authority, and Profiles so you understand how your energy works (Remember, this does NOT label you)

Together we will use exercises and techniques to help you move from any conditioned stories and start the process of moving to a better, more empowered story to pull you forward.



You'll need:

  • Your Quantum Human Design Chart.

  •  StoryLab™ Workbook - this will be emailed to you.

  •  An open mind

  •  A willingness to have FUN!!

Please note this general course is a great first step if you are just learning about Quantum Human Design or just want a basic introduction to understanding your personal Chart.

If you are looking for a full, complete, comprehensive deep dive into all the pieces, parts, and mechanics of the entire Human Design system, so you can read charts for others or start your own business, then we recommend taking QHD Certification Training